Learn and apply Systematic Inventive Thinking to deliver real workplace productivity and innovation at workplace that impact on the SDGs
Learn and apply Systematic Inventive Thinking to deliver real workplace
productivity and innovation at workplace that impact on the SDGs
This 30 days Action Learning based program is designed to provide the required
competencies and skills to enable individuals within an organization to select,
undertake and complete micro innovation projects that are within their area of
work and control in order to increase his or her work productivity. Participants
will be taught the myiknowvasi® 4 steps process and 6 tools to locate problems
and opportunities for innovation within their sphere of influence and control, to
utilize ideation tools to generate workable creative solutions, to plan and execute
the solution and to measure the impact of the solution.
– Middle managers
– Team supervisors
– Employees with individual work areas
1 day + 30-days Online Action Learning Project
Choose your favorite course or workshop and enquiry us for more info.